Student Radiographers’ Knowledge and Attitudes
towards LGBT Patients in the Philippines
Dean Miranda, Halia Malic, Mark Alipio
This study assessed the knowledge and attitudes of Filipino student radiographers towards LGBT patients. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among 200 undergraduate radiography students in three higher education institutions in Region X, Philippines, using a data collection tool composed of adapted questionnaires and a demographic form. Results revealed that students show favorable attitudes towards LGBT patients and a certain degree of knowledge of LGBT health needs. Biological sex, geographical area classification, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, and regular attendance at religious activities did not affect knowledge or attitude scores of the respondents. However, students from schools with established sex education policies or programs exhibited higher knowledge scores. In addition, students who reported regular instruction on LGBTinclusive care in radiography classes exhibited significantly higher knowledge and attitudes scores. These results carry important implications for undergraduate radiography program education, the preparation of future radiographers, and ultimately, the quality of care provided to LGBT patients.
Keywords: attitudes; knowledge; LGBT patients; Philippines; student radiographers